Room Smell 1Nose, smell, beatiful fragrances, scents, breath, soap, perfume, flower, grass, nature, romance, love... Walls; Possible choices, selections are; Own element soft pastel earth colours, Aromatic soft colour from nature flowers,grass,food (the scents which people love such as lavander, vanilla, cake, apple etc), Star must be floor and ceiling, so harmonic soft tone on the walls, Soft spices tones light cinnamon tones. Furnitures; Possible choices; Polished tone harmonic or contrast with the floor dark or light coloured wood. Fabrics; Possible choices,selections; Vanilla, powder, naturel toned fabrics, or contrast strong tones, Fragranced textiles, Added objects; flowers (slot is left at the table) arranged which is correct by the chosen wall colour, Example if lilac is chosen lilies are arranged, And a mirror for the bathroom stylised like the nose panel at room, Choice of colours on the walls and fabrics must reflected the chosen scent, Example vanilla fragrance, vanilla, pastel earth toned walls, vanilla fragranced fabrics. |